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Fairytale II - The story behind

I am happy to present the extension of our Fairytale line. This time a contemporary, light and elegant collection for the table and living room with a true Scandinavian feel. The inspiration is still from John Bauer, but this time from Tuvstarr, the princess of the forest. Her white, silvery hair and pail rose skin among trolls in the deep Scandinavian forest gave me a beautiful vision.

We introduce four new delicate colors - Rose, Ochre, Steel Grey and Chalk White. As well as two new patterns - Leaf as delicate as Tuvstarr's hair and Chevron for a more contemporary look. The collection is genuinely made by hand, with block printed patterns on hand woven linen from the North Eastern part of India. We have taken great care to develop a high-quality fabric. Our collaboration with India's skilled artisans continues to evolve, fusing the Scandinavian and the Oriental textile history. Together we cultivate the ancient art of hand made textiles.

Charlotte Amlé

"Troll och Tuvstarr" Painted by John Bauer in 1915


"Ännu sitter Tuvstarr kvar och ser ner i vattnet" Aquarelle painted by John Bauer 1913. One of several illustrations John Bauer made for the book "Bland tomtar och troll".


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